2024 Digital Strategies for EOS-Driven Companies
Implementing seamless digital strategies for a company with hundreds of employees is a tall task. Sending out email blasts with paragraphs of information does not ensure that everyone is on the same page regarding a shared vision. So, you’ve adopted an Entrepreneurial Operating System™ (EOS®).
EOS helps align companies and their employees with a direct vision. Administering an EOS allows for growth to occur quickly, as everyone is familiar with the steps to take for optimization.
In order for an EOS-driven company to thrive, you must be willing to put some work into the program. Read on for five digital strategies to make 2024 your most successful year.
1. Take Advantage of the Vision/Traction Organizer (V/TO™)
While you may know your company’s strategy and vision, that idea may not have been passed down as effectively as you think. To help, there is a two-page document to put your vision into writing for unwavering understanding across your entire team.
With this, you can identify your target market, choose differentiators that set you apart from competitors and overall anchor your brand with a solid marketing strategy. This allows for clarity for the entire leadership team and among your employees—something for everyone to look back on for reference.
2. Organize Your Digital Strategies and Processes
No one knows what’s going on in your head. Therefore, you must communicate how you want specific tasks to be completed. If you’re an EOS-driven company, you probably have many employees to educate, strengthening the importance of organization.
Whether for new employees or vets within the company, creating task lists and guides will be your savior moving forward. You’ll want to create tasks to do within an over-arching job. You should explain how to do them and what troubleshooting solutions you’ve found if a problem occurs. Consistency is vital—utilize an outline and be transparent about your expectations.
When working with digital strategies, you have to get lightning focused at your quarterly meetings with your EOS consultant on sales projections and how you will measure your marketing activities. Be realistic about your digital strategy around the difference between brand awareness types of digital content and content that DRIVES business, and HOW you will measure it.
3. Cross-Functional Autonomy
The Accountability Chart™ should ensure that everyone should know their seat and key roles in the company. Effective digital strategies require your core marketing process to be defined and everyone knows their role in accomplishing it.
Cross functional teams effectively work together in EOS companies because their leaders are aligned and they are all focused on the same outcomes. Any special projects can be assigned as Rocks so ownership is clear, and for bigger projects a cross functional team can be quickly assembled. In my personal experience with clients who are EOS driven companies, I find Faster Decision-Making as one of the top benefits. Cross-functional autonomy teams bring together individuals from different functional areas or departments within an organization. By empowering these teams with autonomy, they can make decisions quickly without the need for extensive approval processes or hierarchical structures. This agility allows for faster response times, enabling teams to address issues and seize opportunities promptly.
4. Get Ahead of the Times
2023 has already brought changes to the digital marketing world as we know it. Google has announced plans to get rid of its third-party cookies—requiring new targeting solutions to come forth. There’s still time before this is enacted on Chrome, but it’s best to plan ahead.
Developing cookieless marketing tactics before it is required will gain reputability for your business. It proves you care about the privacy of those who use your site, a valuable thing for customer loyalty and satisfaction.
To do this successfully, pay attention to every aspect of the buyer’s journey. Whether you’re B2B or B2C, there are multiple opportunities to hook a sale, so take advantage of them.
5. The Customer Knows Best
If you’ve ever worked in the hospitality industry, you probably dread this statement. But as consumer analytics and buying behavior become more targeted, you have access to more insight than ever before. Social media allows for a “hive mindset” to materialize when it comes to trends—lean into this.
And it’s not difficult to discover. User-generated content is everywhere, and utilizing this will make your company seem with the times, capturing the attention of more and more people every day.
For example, video content is the best way to reach audiences nowadays. If a picture says 1,000 words… what can a video say? How much more people could a 15-second video reach as opposed to an email newsletter?
Optimize, Then Grow
Sometimes, the most efficient way to break through barriers is to take a step back and reevaluate. If one strategy isn’t performing, there are a million different digital strategies to try next, so long as you take the time to seek them out.
Growth doesn’t just happen magically within a company; it comes from within. If you’re willing to help your team grow collectively, you’ll see the transformation within your company’s goals as well. If you’d like more direction in designating your company’s marketing vision, don’t hesitate to contact us! We KNOW EOS and we speak your language!