The Value of the Metaverse

The metaverse is much more than a gaming platform—or at least it will be. Billion-dollar investments are being poured into...

Recessionary Times Are Altering the Course of 2022’s Great Resignation

Recessionary Times Are Altering the Course of 2022’s Great Resignation An uncertain future is a residual effect of the pandemic—whether...

How the Metaverse will Impact Social Media

What is the Metaverse? The Metaverse is a digital world created by companies and users and experienced through a virtual...

5 Marketing Metrics that EOS Driven Companies MUST Measure

5 Metrics that Drive EOS Marketing Are you considered a thought leader in your industry? Are you sure? Marketing can...

The Cost of Silence.

The Cost of Silence 8 years ago I was pitching a company on why they needed to use our “outsourced”...